Hunger and fullness exist on a continuum…the one end being completely empty, absolutely starving, the other end being completely full, overflowing. If you’re trying to identify your hunger and fullness... read more →
Wouldn’t it be great if your stomach was equipped with a visual gauge, similar to the gas gauge in your car? That way your body would tell you exactly how... read more →
Not having an endpoint can make it hard to understand this process; there’s no destination except that you learn how to aptly eat for hunger and fullness and balance your... read more →
"I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) in my early twenties. Although I did not experience many of the extreme weight loss/gain issues that other PCOS people experience, my... read more →
The idiom “the devil is in the details” means that mistakes are usually made in the small details of a project. Usually it is a caution to pay attention to... read more →
It doesn’t work to just eat as much as you want of only healthy foods. Ask anyone who’s tried it. Eventually, you realize that you have to eat within the... read more →
Although you might have excitement when beginning a diet and the changes it might bring about, there is also immediate FOMO involved: “fear of missing out.” The struggle is real.... read more →
When I meet with clients in my office I say this, “For the next 5 minutes, don’t look at my earrings.” Most eyes go STRAIGHT to the earrings. They didn’t... read more →
ONE-TWO PUNCH allows you to get serious about portion control.71 Sometimes, when you follow a diet, you’re focusing on what you eat, by cutting out food groups and not how... read more →
The last few pages include a lot of chatter and graphs about grams of carbohydrate, protein and fat. I included this for factual information, comparison and example. It would be... read more →